US State Facts and Symbols

We have facts and symbols from every US state including the state flag, state map, state flower, state tree, state song, the state quarters from the United States Mint 50 State Quarters© Program and many other facts and state symbols. Also included is each state's size in population and land area as well as statehood information.

Choose a state from the US State List below to see that state's facts and symbols. Also, check out the pages of all 50 state maps, all 50 state flags and all 50 state quarters.

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Some of the information on the pages of this web site was obtained from each state's official web site or web sites. The address for each of these sites is shown on that state's fact page.

Us State List

View All 50 State Maps

View All 50 State Flags

View All 50 State Quarters


US State Facts © 2010-2024 MCGWDD